
Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Expedition to Castle Ravenloft

Session 1

Mike- Dilok halfling rogue 10
Tim- S wizard G'Jun Minotaur Barbarian 2

After adventuring together for a while these three find themselves walking down a road and a small piece of paper blows up the road toward them. Upon reading it they find that in the Village of Barovia there is a girl being assaulted by hags. There is a offer of money if they will only help.
G'Jun says instantly lets go. The wizard consults himself on the location of the Village of Barovia. Nothing. No idea where it is. But during this the fog seems to be rolling in and as they set off again the fog is around their ankles then its everywhere and for hours they walk with no idea where they were. Although G'Jun makes a insane spot check and sees that they are walking on blood but then its gone.

The mists part and they are standing on a high mountain pass heading down. They come to a dilapidated gate. It opens with they get close and closes when they are inside. About 8 hours of walking and they come to a smoky town in a valley. They get to it and realize its a war zone. No guards, no merchants out, just burning, and refuse everywhere. They decide to enter and find a overturned wagon in the street with dead bodies. Zombies get up and attack. Fireball, and by keeping farenough away the battle goes quickly.
Moving on they find a dead man lying face down in the mud. Dilok moves to inspect and alot more zombies come in from 3 sides. Vargouilles come from the air and attack. Battle goes pretty much as before but the wizard and the halfling both become paralyzed but G'Jun pulls them to safety while they recover. They dispatch them and move west again and find a barricade and in the town square a paladin fights alone versus ...

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