
Thursday, February 26, 2009

New mission day

Garus wants us out of town for a while, since we consistantly cause problems for many entities in Chicago. He has a simple courier mission for us. A simple pickup and delivery. We charter a small lear jet and fly. Figuring we can coerce the pilots into staying till tomorrow, it doesn't work and they ignore us and leave the terminal. Then security comes toward us and ask to speak to us since we are from the US and they want ID etc. I use Command and tell the obvious leader to LEAVE. He does and we walk away, the two other security guards look like they might split in half and run after their boss. We taxi to the location of the pickup to do some recon. I use Sense the Mystical (vamp detect magic) and find out the whole building is covered in some kind of explosive runes. We call Garus to find out how to proceed. He explains that these people are expecting us and don't do anything that could jepordize this relationship. So we have to wait till tomorrow.
Open the yellow pages and look at clubs, and find one with a ankh and a rose! So we go there. Obvious vamp bar, trying hard to be the Succubus basement. I really wanted to cut the lights out then ask the vamps to "Sub or Die" but had to settle for the fire alarm. In the chaos that ensued, I approached the vamp I thought might be in a position of power. Being my lovely megolomanic self I ask him to Sub or Die. He gets the drop on me with celerity and potence and drops me in on turn. Just kill the big Brujha next time. Anyway, while I lay on the floor before auto healing, Brandons gangrel chick comes forward and bargins for my life, and offers me some blood. I take it since I don't know the intricacies of vamp culture yet. Now I am blood bonded to her. The brujah says he wants 10k and my head, then 10k and my body, then meet me here at 4am. We ignore his meeting go to Hobotown outside of town, fill up then dig a hole to sleep in.
Next night we go to our meeting at the bookstore. Find out its run by female mages. Something about the price being higher and we have to wait for confirmation from Garus. We look around the store. I look for books on Discerning True Names of Demons and find one for new demons, and a huge tome dealing with old ones that is in Infernal language. Need to learn that! I also pick up a book on Discerning the Age of Demon. Brandon acquires some silver brass knuckles that can transform to make his one hand silver when he uses his claws supposeldy from a Vampire named Gangrel or from a Gangrel she wasn't sure. Aj found a bonus to melee something.
With our items the bill was quite high so the mages offered a contract to procure for them for the next 50 years. It is a good thing so we signed.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

A few weeks had passed and we decided to return to the Succubus Club to see what was going on there and to use their blood dolls. We heard a female asking to stop and we noticed a woman lying on a couch while another woman cut her with a knife. We see the girl with the knife asking to stop! Levi's werewolf jumps the girl with the knife and we find out that the woman on the couch enjoys this and I tell her I know what we can do, and I make my offer.
She tells me that the others aren't needed and they leave to go upstairs.
"Pick two," she says, "and bring them over."
Casually picking two women, I dominate one to come over, and she does. While her friend just comes where she is. My new friend whispers in her ear then tells me to fear her. So I use the word terror, and she looks confused but still runs away.
"Do exactly what I tell you," she warns. "Now, two more, have one kill the other one."
I grab the knife and walk over to the woman, dominate and say OBEY, then hand her the knife and say kill your friend. She does, then screams and flees. I gain a derangement, Megalomania.
The others of our group have gone upstairs to the Elysium again to stir up trouble. They ask for the Whip back, the Camerilla vamps of course say no. Then Aj uses Celerity to grab and drag him out of the room. By this time, my new friend and I are making our way upstairs. I make it to see Aj grabbing the Whip and I summon demonic fire and torch the owner of the Succubus Club. Levi goes Krynos(sp), claws are dropped and the fight begins.
After a few rounds, I have made my way in to the body of the owner and I realize he seems to be diablerizable so I drag him from the room to have a snack. While the fight continues, and a stream of frightened vamps are fleeing the room, many more are dying.
Finally, Aj searches for the cards, money, and stuff.
For our next mission we are being sent out of town either for our own good or the good of Chicago.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Day 3 of the party began nothing like the previous two. We awoke to no noise of partygoers in the house, no music. Nothing. Coming upstairs we found that the cleaners had been there and the house was ready for a party. Checking the video for the last 12 or so hours didn't show much either. Finally, showing the front gate, we found three police cars and a huge group of people milling about unable to enter.
We went to talk to the police but they wouldn't budge and we didn't have cash. So we bartered a big screen TV for a ride downtown to the Succubus Club. Figuring that the last time we were here we found a room upstairs that was obviously off limits. The guard barred us entrance but a short Dominate later the door was open. Its some sort of vampire 'holy ground'. About 30 vampires suddenly look up from whatever they were doing and a collective .
A few vampires come up to inform us that we can't be there. We reply with a 'why not'?
The general gist is, we talked some smack on the Camerilla and then left without being ripped apart on the spot.
We left there and found our way to our first vampire haven. The burned out landscape still unchanged. Rooting around we find nothing of interest. Talking among ourselves about why we weren't dead yet, why they haven't followed us, and what the hell are we doing here?
A voice says that it is following us, and a vampire tells us he has a opportunity for us. So rushing from one random thing to another with no plan seems to be our game, so we go. Turns out a rather old vampire named Garius wants us to work for him only if we strictly follow his orders.
So by working for him we solve some problems and create lots more for the Camerilla.