
Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Recon Ranger-man gets the goods

 Journal excerpt from The Legend of Saramago and the Sixth Mage Guild: 
While exploring the third island and their large C cut out of the jungle, we are boarded by eladrian who's leader, a woman, wants to aid us in our quest to discover about the Auraels, the ancient race that apparently departed our 'sphere' thousands of years before The Cataclysm. She wants us to go back to Matara and explore the ruins under the city and 'protect' any ancient technology. I assure you I shall! She allowed us to borrow a Hammerhead spelljammer  to get us in and out faster than just about any ship there. Because if the 'warlord' is there it will get ugly fast.

Setting a course that would take us below the plane of commerce we set out on our three day journey below the islands of the world. Red dragons come close but stay away even when trying to stir up conversation. Arriving about two miles below the ancient complex and below a encampment of the 'warlords' troops we send the ranger out on the skid to check it out. About 30 total, some fortifications visible. We go and collect rocks for the siege guns and load them all. The scaffolding that they have mounted to the cliffs seems a likely target to reduce reinforcements and allow us to enter the complex. Shot destroys some sections of scaffolding and two enemy skids come, I take out one with a lightning bolt and the other never comes within range while throwing alchemist fires. Note to self, make ice fire for negating fire on ships from combat. Bringing the ship in to dock near the bottom two tunnels that are exposed.

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