
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Its Full of Stars!!!!

Mi-Go training complete, our party departs for Earth and their first mission. Retrieve the missing Mi-Go agent at the Windthrope Institute for Dream Research in Colorado.
Having two options to gain entrance:
  1. Pose as a Nora Popes cousin, who recently suffered a major psychotic break and is currently at a Denver Hospital from something that happened
  2. Pose a volunteer for dream research.
  3. Or the popular 3rd option of sneaking in and pointing guns.
Retrieving Nora's personal effects and then promptly told to leave, they return to Denver to see Nora 'tim' uses his mind probe ability and sees a lake  where the stars move and form a colossal being made of stars that looks like Cthulhu! Then Nora Pope must have gone insane
So going with option 3, the party gained entry to the Dreamweb building and noticed that 5 patients were sleeping in pods with a multitude of wires tracing all around the room and out to banks and banks of mainframes, video rendering farms, and storage. Pulling a gun and walking  in to point it at the doctor and the staff present. We find a Dr. Carl Weemes doing his job of watching the subjects and the equipment. When asked about Nora and her fate, he exclaimed that he remembered being near to her when whatever happened but he awoke in the woods with an hour of his life missing. 'tim' correctly wonders if his mind had been clouded and attempts to un-cloud it and does. Finding out that Dr. Dandridge lead him to the woods and clouded his mind also  he remembers seeing Nora while out on his nightly walk around the lake and remembers also Nora coming to him about the chef who attempted to rape her.
The party goes immediately to Dandridge and accuses him and instantly he begins casting spells but 'levi' saves against them. Shooting, spells fail, shooting, 'tim' shoots black ray out that instantly turns him to a dessicated husk. The other guests and employees come out and the party questions the chef who seems aloof but respectful and has no information.

--till next time

1 comment:

tRANIS said...

Also, I would like to apologize for not being clearer about exactly who and how. I was really wondering why you guys didn't try for the dreamstudy and you always went back to Nora. hehe