
Thursday, May 14, 2009

Stopping by the Adventures Camp...
we advertised for a tank and a healer, and once we have introductions out of the way we went back to the crypt. Of course then we all realized that we didn't have any rope and we also had a warforged in the group. So off to big city again to buy 3 times the rope 1600ft, climbers kits for us all and two sets of hammers and pitons and a wagon using our riding horses to carry it all.
Back at the crypt, we set our ropes and dropped down in. Finding a semi collapsed tiled hallway. Following in one direction we came to a huge gallery room with a 40-50ft diameter pool of water and a huge spout on the ceiling and finding nothing else. Off in the other direction, we found a zombie, two skeletons, and another caster type.
We decided to rest after that.

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