
Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Vampire Diaries

Knowing nothing of my sire, I am a newly born vampire and learning about my abilites on my own. Being a technophile I started this podcast blog to archive the days of experimentation armed with a HD video camera and the power of words. Driving across the United States, I fed on my first real victim, a trucker at a truck stop in Tennesee. Making my way across to Mesa, Arizona the newborn vampire is on his thirteenth day of undeath and is documenting it while I pump my gas intomy 1992 Volvo station wagon.
A large pickup truck pulls up with a bunch of rednecks who begin to harass me. If you watch the video you will see them taunting and trying to take the video camera. I realized that I was quickly getting surrounded and decided to shoot gas at the fat man. I really wanted to drop the gas hose toward the truck while still on but it managed to go the opposite way. One my attackers makes for the gas shutoff. I zip over and stand in front of it and wait for him. I am sure you will have fun analyzing the video to determine my actual speed. Another guy picks up the gas hose and starts pouring gas on my hood, while another gets inside. Flames appear as I bite one guy to death and start working on the fat man who came after me still. My car starts up then heads off in reverse at top speed across the highway and into the high desert, roof still on fire. I sprint off after my car. Since it has my bluetooth laptop that lets me record straight to disk I have to stay close. I catch up to my car as it gets stuck on a rock and yank the hick out by his shirt and drink some blood then ...
If you have to ask then watch the movie.
More podcasts to come later.

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