Expedition to Castle Ravenloft
Session 2
Mike- Dilok halfling rogue 10
Tim- Serratis wizard, G'Jun Minotaur Barbarian, Rediculus Cleric
Levi- Ashlyn Paladin (NPC turned PC)
When we left off last time Dilok, G'Jun and Serratis found the town square filled with zombies and a paladin(Ashlyn played by Levi) and her cleric (Rediculus) fighting to save the townsfolk. Dilok climbs over the barricade, G'Jun walks over, and Serratis, well he takes a while to get over.
Rediculus moves up and turns undead and many explode. Ashlyn attacks as the newcomers move toward them. Zombies just keep coming but finally after many turn attempts they see a different thing coming toward them. Someone correctly identifyied it as a Entomber. Who promptly walks up to Ashlyn and buries her. Turning....explode. Ashlyn breaks out while the Entomber is on top of her 'grave' and he fails his Reflex save and falls. Touche' More turning and hacking and the zombies are gone for the moment.
Townsfolk come out and thank them profusely for helping and insist on repairing the barricade. Ashlyn says she is going in search of her commrades who went to the Church to find out what was going on but that was 3 days ago. Dilok finds Bildrath's Mercantile and trys to get the owner to open up but ends up pickpocketing him and finds a letter with 5 platinum explaing that 'Our Lord Strahd' wants him to continue to spy on the people. Hmmm.
Ashlyn has to fight some ghouls and a few zombies on her way to the Church. The rest of the group starts heading to the Church as well. Ashlyn gets to the Church and hears chanting of a nonsensical nature coming from within. Going in she finds it in shambles and after finding a few zombies she moves toward the altar and a large hole in the floor. A wild haired priest stands up from behind the altar and proclaims that 'you won't take my son from me!' and casts a spell from a scroll. It fails and he jumps down the hole. Just as the rest of the party arrives.
Rediculus casts Airwalk on Ashlyn and the minotaur with Dilok on his shoulders jump down. The wizard and the cleric find a trapdoor and stairway down.
Down below there are 2 zombies who are the 2 fellow party members who disappeared 3 days ago, and 2 entombers, the priest and his 'son' a surgically altered undead.
G'Jun goes for the 2 zombies, Dilok hides, Ashlyn charges one of the entombers.The evil priest disappears and his 'son' charges Ashlyn and damn near kills her in one shot and leaves her dazed. G'Jun takes out the zombies without trouble, Dilok is stealthed looking for the evil priest, as Rediculus and Serratis reach the bottom of the stairs he casts Fireball. Rediculus casts Divine Power on himself (there is a Flame Strike in there too somewhere) Ashlyn manages to avoid getting hit and backs up and Lays on Hands. Serratis casts Summon Monster 5 and trys to get a Fire Elemental. Well instead a Pyre Elemental shows up much to his suprise. Cleric moves in to attack. Serratis casts Enervation and removes levels and suddenly he knows that if he uses that spell he can do +2 level drain. Hmm. Then they take the son out as the priest pops back in and tries to cast Hold Person on Ashlyn. Rediculus hits the 'son and its pretty much over at that point.
They search the understory and the sanctuary and find a few things. A piece of something called the Libre Blaspheme, a alchemists lab, Danovich's (evil priest) Journal, some gold cups.
They return to the Blood of the Vine for a room and rest. Serratis casts invisibility on Dilok so that he can recon the inn to see if 'someone is going to stab us in the back'
I realized, later, that I still had LoH from 5th level and that with my enhanced charisma and level, I should've gotten more than double back what I did. Hurray for dumb!
Hehe and of course the whole longsword d6 thing.
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