Expedtion to Castle Ravenloft
Session 4 (G'Jun, Serratis, Rediculis, Ashlyn, Dilok)
Camping at the forest fane, near midnight Dilok appears near the campsite. The next morning with Dilok awake and ready to go(strange huh? well hes a ravenloft nosferatu), they decide to go to where the 'river flies' to find the Sunsword. Hiking up the steep incline into the Balinoks they find a bridge near the top of the falls and a small path that heads off south on a narrown ridge. Moving down the path a large black wolf stands on the path up ahead and at least a few more wolves farther away.
Rediculis moves and attempts to calm the wolf, and throw it some jerky all to no avail. Two more wolves move in behind and Serratis Fireballs the three and the two wolves die. The large black wolf dies soon after. (in retrospect I should have tripped you off the falls...sigh)
Moving down the path Rediculis gets caught in a bear trap as does the rogue. Finding a small clearing the group moves in and sees two more wolves. Ashlyn runs to intercept them as a crossbow bolt comes out of a small thicket. Hitting the minotaur who failed his save for poison looses strength. Rediculis restores his strength(before secondary save) then the wizard gets one and makes the save. G'Jun charges into the thicket right after Serratis layed down a fireball but found nothing. Dilok moves in and disappears as well. The unknown attacker becomes visable as a crazy eyed dwarf who shoots another bolt for the cleric and hits. G'Jun charges but falls down due to terrain and Dilok moves in and sneak attacks but for little damage. Scorching Rays from Serratis while Rediculis Restores himself (again before secondary effects)
And the dwarf dies.
Searching around they find nothing of interest but a few more hidden bear traps and a tiny ledge that runs down on the river side and wraps around to the backside of the falls. Rediculis casts Airwalk on himself and Dilok climbs down and deftly makes his way there about the same time as the priest. The two of them enter and find a bear raised up and ready to strike but its expertly stuffed. Further in they find a bridge and a workshop and two more statues. One of a hybrid werewolf and the other a human with a great sword in one hand and a sprig of wolfsbane in the other. Rediculis casts speak with dead and he says he was working on a trade caravan as a guard when they were attacked. He was brought back here tortured, then his spirit could not leave as the dwarf ate his flesh and used the skin and bones to make a taxidermy experiment. After that he was trapped in the statue able to only observe. Serratis and Rediculis think that if they destroyed the statue it would free him and he agrees. So they burn him. The ghost finds it funny in the end.
Some searching and they find the great Sunsword which once they are outside they give to Ashlyn who thanks them and then calls her mount. Which a magnificent black stallion with white mane and tail with flaming eyes and breath shows up. Ashlyn looks suprised and confers with both the priest and mage. With the evidence so far being that summoning creatures get altered somehow and some magic seems to be altered, then perhaps this too is being altered planarly. Whatever, Wherever this plane is.
Surveying the surrounds from their 2000ft vantage point they see a bald mountain top off to their west and a rundown castle to their east. Using the spyglass they see ruins on the hill and decide that it could be a place of power and maybe another of the hags so they head to it.
After a few hours they make it discover a ruined tower. Dilok hears something from below since the ruin has floors below and holes. Sneaking over to the sound he finds a trapdoor. The sound of gutteral language is heard in alarm and a gravely female voice begins casting. Hearing the spells being cast below the party begins spelling themselves up for a fight and within 3 rounds G'Jun axes the trapdoor. Dilok jumps down, G'Jun jumps then all goes dark. Serratis dispels magic and knows he dispelled something but its still dark. Some running around G'Jun finds his way out to find Babau demons floating in the air he hits one who then teleports away. The other babau makes it dark on the other side near a dropoff that leads to a larger chamber where they see a circle. Dilok moves off the other direction with Serratis following. G'Jun kills one babau that was left as Rediculis dispels magic and then climbs down the drop off with rope pitons and hammer. G'Jun jumps off as they make their way to the circle. Dilok is out ahead of Serratis and suddendly the rockwalls are covered with moss and the smell is of heavy wet forest and earth. Dilok makes it into some more darkness as a babau appears in front of him five feet away a green hag suddenly becomes visible and touches him. He shakes off the weakness and the horrific appearance (I know a mage?) Wall of Force goes up while Dilok moves back to help Serratis. The minotaur and Rediculus look at the stone circle.
Spells fizzle, the hag tries again, and then gets angry and casts inflict critical only half damage. By this time Rediculis and G'Jun have climbed back up and find the hag. G'Jun bullrushes through the darkness and finds the hag. She blinds him, Serratis rays of enfeeblement, tries to Feeblemind her.
Ok here it gets fuzzy on recollection.
Basically I remember that she got into the darkness and had a round to invis herself and climbed the ladder to escape. Serratis' owl heard her and managed to follow her for some distance before falling for a ghost sound.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Expedtion to Castle Ravenloft
Solo Session #2 (Dilok)
Reading the contract he finds that a merchant here in the Village of Barovia is the mark. He lights the candle and finds that it makes him faster, able to climb walls, jump, and see in the dark. So moving from roof to roof he makes his way to the edge of town and the walled small, delapidated estate. He finds two guards at the gate and two more on the interior on the walls. He climbs the wall between the walled guard and the gatemen and just stands there on top of the wall. The wall guard yells for his comrades as the halfling launches off the 10 foot drop and lands 20 feet out. The guards are busy opening the door and the other has to come down the stairs so the halfling gets around the building and climbs the wall into a open window on the second floor. It was recently occupied as a pipe still smolders and laterns are lit. He sneaks into a closet just off this room and discovers another door out only to find a sleeping woman in a bed. He then hears a splash of water and a door open with footsteps heading back toward the 'study', but a yell from downstairs takes the footsteps downstairs and muffled talking. Same footsteps coming up the stairs and down the hall, the window closes and the sound of someone sitting in a creaky chair.
Peering around the corner he sees a pudgy man counting stacks of silver. With one swift stroke of the dagger the man dies and the halfling scoops up the silver.
Then a voice speaks from behind him.
"Curious...you found the contract and decided to fulfill it yourself?"
"Yes," says the halfling.
The cloaked man explains that if he wants to know more he can accompany him or leave now with no ill effects. The halfling agrees and uses a one time use teleport ring. Finding himself with in a underground stone structure he is taken
"If you would like to be just a killer thats fine," the cloaked man said, "but would you like to be more than a killer. It all depends on how you would like to serve."
"I like the second option" the halfling replies.
In an instant the cloaked man is rushing at the halfling, grapples and drains him nearly to the point of death and then the vampire asks,
"Would you still like to serve?"
"Yes" weakly mutters the halfling.
Opening a vein on himself the vampire creates another.
"You are now a Ba'al Verzi.
"The order you have just offered your life to ."
He gives a short history of them and says about 350 years ago they had a contract for him, Nicu Montenescu but he was already a nosferatu and quickly infiltrated and took over.
"You are now part of the inner circle outlander. For now go back and rejoin your friends and await orders."
The halfling receives his two halfling sized daggers and a ring. And gets teleported.
Expedtion to Castle Ravenloft
Solo Session #2 (Dilok)
Reading the contract he finds that a merchant here in the Village of Barovia is the mark. He lights the candle and finds that it makes him faster, able to climb walls, jump, and see in the dark. So moving from roof to roof he makes his way to the edge of town and the walled small, delapidated estate. He finds two guards at the gate and two more on the interior on the walls. He climbs the wall between the walled guard and the gatemen and just stands there on top of the wall. The wall guard yells for his comrades as the halfling launches off the 10 foot drop and lands 20 feet out. The guards are busy opening the door and the other has to come down the stairs so the halfling gets around the building and climbs the wall into a open window on the second floor. It was recently occupied as a pipe still smolders and laterns are lit. He sneaks into a closet just off this room and discovers another door out only to find a sleeping woman in a bed. He then hears a splash of water and a door open with footsteps heading back toward the 'study', but a yell from downstairs takes the footsteps downstairs and muffled talking. Same footsteps coming up the stairs and down the hall, the window closes and the sound of someone sitting in a creaky chair.
Peering around the corner he sees a pudgy man counting stacks of silver. With one swift stroke of the dagger the man dies and the halfling scoops up the silver.
Then a voice speaks from behind him.
"Curious...you found the contract and decided to fulfill it yourself?"
"Yes," says the halfling.
The cloaked man explains that if he wants to know more he can accompany him or leave now with no ill effects. The halfling agrees and uses a one time use teleport ring. Finding himself with in a underground stone structure he is taken
"If you would like to be just a killer thats fine," the cloaked man said, "but would you like to be more than a killer. It all depends on how you would like to serve."
"I like the second option" the halfling replies.
In an instant the cloaked man is rushing at the halfling, grapples and drains him nearly to the point of death and then the vampire asks,
"Would you still like to serve?"
"Yes" weakly mutters the halfling.
Opening a vein on himself the vampire creates another.
"You are now a Ba'al Verzi.
"The order you have just offered your life to ."
He gives a short history of them and says about 350 years ago they had a contract for him, Nicu Montenescu but he was already a nosferatu and quickly infiltrated and took over.
"You are now part of the inner circle outlander. For now go back and rejoin your friends and await orders."
The halfling receives his two halfling sized daggers and a ring. And gets teleported.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Expedtion to Castle Ravenloft
Solo Session (Dilok)
Having invisiblity cast on him before everyone went to bed Dilok decided to search the inn. Checking a few doors and finding nothing he found a locked door. Opening it he found a sparse room and a small locked chest. He opens it and finds a bag with 20 platnium pieces and letters that sound an awful lot like the ones they found to bring them here, and one detailing who should spy on who. The next door is locked so he opens it only to find a man reading a book by the light of a strange candle. The candle
looks like a dead hand grasping a black candle with a blue flame. Still invisible Dilok sneaks in and grabs the candle and the man grabs for his daggers. Dilok drops it and leaves and waits for the man to leave. He follows him down the street and comes up behind him and stabs him twice (one is a critical) and kills the man and grabs his stuff (bag with more money, candle, 2 red and platnium daggers and a letter for the assassination of ... for 4000 gold. 
Expedtion to Castle Ravenloft
Solo Session (Dilok)
Having invisiblity cast on him before everyone went to bed Dilok decided to search the inn. Checking a few doors and finding nothing he found a locked door. Opening it he found a sparse room and a small locked chest. He opens it and finds a bag with 20 platnium pieces and letters that sound an awful lot like the ones they found to bring them here, and one detailing who should spy on who. The next door is locked so he opens it only to find a man reading a book by the light of a strange candle. The candle

Expedition to Castle Ravenloft
Session 3
The next day Dilok the rogue is nowhere to be found, so the party decides to go and meet this Madame Eva. Walking most of the day, they find their way to the Tser Pool. Granted admittance to see her they step inside. The reading goes mostly alright the particulars I won't get into just so they have to remember what I said. After the reading the head out of the wagon and get attacked by all the Vistani and Madame Eva. There is a long battle where Eva holds her own by greater commanding everyone to take a swim. The minotaur is the only one who really takes a swim. They kill the Vistani and Madame Eva and not to far from there when the minotaur gets out of the water he hears giants speaking. They regroup and go to where the voices are coming from and find a ruined fane guarded by 3 hill giants. They kill the giants and remember something from the reading an return to drag Madame Evas hag corpse back and place it on the ruin. There is a crumbling and the slight hum goes away.
Expedition to Castle Ravenloft
Session 3
The next day Dilok the rogue is nowhere to be found, so the party decides to go and meet this Madame Eva. Walking most of the day, they find their way to the Tser Pool. Granted admittance to see her they step inside. The reading goes mostly alright the particulars I won't get into just so they have to remember what I said. After the reading the head out of the wagon and get attacked by all the Vistani and Madame Eva. There is a long battle where Eva holds her own by greater commanding everyone to take a swim. The minotaur is the only one who really takes a swim. They kill the Vistani and Madame Eva and not to far from there when the minotaur gets out of the water he hears giants speaking. They regroup and go to where the voices are coming from and find a ruined fane guarded by 3 hill giants. They kill the giants and remember something from the reading an return to drag Madame Evas hag corpse back and place it on the ruin. There is a crumbling and the slight hum goes away.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Expedition to Castle Ravenloft
Session 2
Mike- Dilok halfling rogue 10
Tim- Serratis wizard, G'Jun Minotaur Barbarian, Rediculus Cleric
Levi- Ashlyn Paladin (NPC turned PC)
When we left off last time Dilok, G'Jun and Serratis found the town square filled with zombies and a paladin(Ashlyn played by Levi) and her cleric (Rediculus) fighting to save the townsfolk. Dilok climbs over the barricade, G'Jun walks over, and Serratis, well he takes a while to get over.
Rediculus moves up and turns undead and many explode. Ashlyn attacks as the newcomers move toward them. Zombies just keep coming but finally after many turn attempts they see a different thing coming toward them. Someone correctly identifyied it as a Entomber. Who promptly walks up to Ashlyn and buries her. Turning....explode. Ashlyn breaks out while the Entomber is on top of her 'grave' and he fails his Reflex save and falls. Touche' More turning and hacking and the zombies are gone for the moment.
Townsfolk come out and thank them profusely for helping and insist on repairing the barricade. Ashlyn says she is going in search of her commrades who went to the Church to find out what was going on but that was 3 days ago. Dilok finds Bildrath's Mercantile and trys to get the owner to open up but ends up pickpocketing him and finds a letter with 5 platinum explaing that 'Our Lord Strahd' wants him to continue to spy on the people. Hmmm.
Ashlyn has to fight some ghouls and a few zombies on her way to the Church. The rest of the group starts heading to the Church as well. Ashlyn gets to the Church and hears chanting of a nonsensical nature coming from within. Going in she finds it in shambles and after finding a few zombies she moves toward the altar and a large hole in the floor. A wild haired priest stands up from behind the altar and proclaims that 'you won't take my son from me!' and casts a spell from a scroll. It fails and he jumps down the hole. Just as the rest of the party arrives.
Rediculus casts Airwalk on Ashlyn and the minotaur with Dilok on his shoulders jump down. The wizard and the cleric find a trapdoor and stairway down.
Down below there are 2 zombies who are the 2 fellow party members who disappeared 3 days ago, and 2 entombers, the priest and his 'son' a surgically altered undead.
G'Jun goes for the 2 zombies, Dilok hides, Ashlyn charges one of the entombers.The evil priest disappears and his 'son' charges Ashlyn and damn near kills her in one shot and leaves her dazed. G'Jun takes out the zombies without trouble, Dilok is stealthed looking for the evil priest, as Rediculus and Serratis reach the bottom of the stairs he casts Fireball. Rediculus casts Divine Power on himself (there is a Flame Strike in there too somewhere) Ashlyn manages to avoid getting hit and backs up and Lays on Hands. Serratis casts Summon Monster 5 and trys to get a Fire Elemental. Well instead a Pyre Elemental shows up much to his suprise. Cleric moves in to attack. Serratis casts Enervation and removes levels and suddenly he knows that if he uses that spell he can do +2 level drain. Hmm. Then they take the son out as the priest pops back in and tries to cast Hold Person on Ashlyn. Rediculus hits the 'son and its pretty much over at that point.
They search the understory and the sanctuary and find a few things. A piece of something called the Libre Blaspheme, a alchemists lab, Danovich's (evil priest) Journal, some gold cups.
They return to the Blood of the Vine for a room and rest. Serratis casts invisibility on Dilok so that he can recon the inn to see if 'someone is going to stab us in the back'
Expedition to Castle Ravenloft
Session 2
Mike- Dilok halfling rogue 10
Tim- Serratis wizard, G'Jun Minotaur Barbarian, Rediculus Cleric
Levi- Ashlyn Paladin (NPC turned PC)
When we left off last time Dilok, G'Jun and Serratis found the town square filled with zombies and a paladin(Ashlyn played by Levi) and her cleric (Rediculus) fighting to save the townsfolk. Dilok climbs over the barricade, G'Jun walks over, and Serratis, well he takes a while to get over.
Rediculus moves up and turns undead and many explode. Ashlyn attacks as the newcomers move toward them. Zombies just keep coming but finally after many turn attempts they see a different thing coming toward them. Someone correctly identifyied it as a Entomber. Who promptly walks up to Ashlyn and buries her. Turning....explode. Ashlyn breaks out while the Entomber is on top of her 'grave' and he fails his Reflex save and falls. Touche' More turning and hacking and the zombies are gone for the moment.
Townsfolk come out and thank them profusely for helping and insist on repairing the barricade. Ashlyn says she is going in search of her commrades who went to the Church to find out what was going on but that was 3 days ago. Dilok finds Bildrath's Mercantile and trys to get the owner to open up but ends up pickpocketing him and finds a letter with 5 platinum explaing that 'Our Lord Strahd' wants him to continue to spy on the people. Hmmm.
Ashlyn has to fight some ghouls and a few zombies on her way to the Church. The rest of the group starts heading to the Church as well. Ashlyn gets to the Church and hears chanting of a nonsensical nature coming from within. Going in she finds it in shambles and after finding a few zombies she moves toward the altar and a large hole in the floor. A wild haired priest stands up from behind the altar and proclaims that 'you won't take my son from me!' and casts a spell from a scroll. It fails and he jumps down the hole. Just as the rest of the party arrives.
Rediculus casts Airwalk on Ashlyn and the minotaur with Dilok on his shoulders jump down. The wizard and the cleric find a trapdoor and stairway down.
Down below there are 2 zombies who are the 2 fellow party members who disappeared 3 days ago, and 2 entombers, the priest and his 'son' a surgically altered undead.
G'Jun goes for the 2 zombies, Dilok hides, Ashlyn charges one of the entombers.The evil priest disappears and his 'son' charges Ashlyn and damn near kills her in one shot and leaves her dazed. G'Jun takes out the zombies without trouble, Dilok is stealthed looking for the evil priest, as Rediculus and Serratis reach the bottom of the stairs he casts Fireball. Rediculus casts Divine Power on himself (there is a Flame Strike in there too somewhere) Ashlyn manages to avoid getting hit and backs up and Lays on Hands. Serratis casts Summon Monster 5 and trys to get a Fire Elemental. Well instead a Pyre Elemental shows up much to his suprise. Cleric moves in to attack. Serratis casts Enervation and removes levels and suddenly he knows that if he uses that spell he can do +2 level drain. Hmm. Then they take the son out as the priest pops back in and tries to cast Hold Person on Ashlyn. Rediculus hits the 'son and its pretty much over at that point.
They search the understory and the sanctuary and find a few things. A piece of something called the Libre Blaspheme, a alchemists lab, Danovich's (evil priest) Journal, some gold cups.
They return to the Blood of the Vine for a room and rest. Serratis casts invisibility on Dilok so that he can recon the inn to see if 'someone is going to stab us in the back'
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